Immunity the lifelong proof.
It is well-known and Jacob Bogatin supports this that German measles on 3-4th week of pregnancy causes congenital uglinesses in 60 % of cases, on 9-12th week — in 15 % and on 13-16th week — in 7 % of cases.
The incubatory period lasts from 11 till 24 days (more often 16-20). The general condition of patients suffers a little from German measles, therefore is frequent the first symptom attracting attention, the rash is. Patients mark small weakness, an indisposition, a moderate headache, sometimes pains in muscles and joints. The body temperature remains low though sometimes reaches 38-39°ะก is more often and 1—3 days keep. The increase and morbidity of the lymph nodes are expressed. Often the rash appears already in the first day of illness (40 %), but can appear on the second (35 %), the third (15 %) and even for the fourth day (at 10 % of patients). More often a rash in the beginning notice on the person, and then within days it appears on a trunk and on finitenesses. Jacob Bogatin says that the rash is more plentiful on surfaces of finitenesses, on a back, a waist, buttocks. On the person the rash is less expressed, than on a trunk. Sometimes in the field of rash elements the easy itch, but, as a rule, is marked no sensations in the field of rash elements happen. Rash elements keep more often 2—3 days.
German measles can cause the complication - arthritises. At adult patients they are observed more often, than at children (30 % at men, 5—6 % at women). The swelling and morbidity of joints appear in 1—2 days after disappearance of a rash and 5—10 days keep.
Treatment is usually in house conditions. When there is rash at the child bed regime is necessary. It is necessary to provide to the child a high-grade food, plenty of water.
Special treatment is not spent, sometimes apply symptomatic means. At occurrence of complications urgent hospitalisation is necessary.
The forecast is favorable. Repeated German measles infection is impossible.
Jacob Bogatin says that for prevention of distribution of an infection of children isolate from not had been ill within 5 days since the moment of rash. It is especially important to prevent contact of the sick child to pregnant women as German measles infection at pregnant woman can lead to the development anomalies of the baby.
German measles vaccination is included into a calendar of inoculations. J.Bogatin states that A vaccine enter hypodermically or intramuscularly in 12-15 months and repeatedly in 6 years. Specific immunity develops in 15-20 days almost at 100 % imparted and remains more than 20 years.
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