Saturday, December 27, 2008

Glossitis and the reasons of its appearance

Glossitis is the inflammatory disease of the tongue caused by a bacterial or virus infection.

Glossitis can be designated by such terms as "a tongue infection" or "a tongue inflammation".

What are glossitis’ reasons?

Inflammatory processes in a tongue can be both an infection consequence, and symptoms of more serious, systemic disease. Jacob Bogatin distinguishes a sharp and chronic forms of illness. Glossitis causes inflammation of a tongue, it changes its colour and structure. Glossitis leads to formation of papillomas - mushroomic outgrowths on a tongue tissue.

At local infections glossitis causes bacteria and viruses (including a herpes virus) and development of infectious process is promoted especially by burns, mechanical traumas of tongue and a mouth. It is proved, that by the risk factors provoking development of glossitis are nicotine, alcohol, hot food, sharp spices, and also allergic reactions to a tooth-paste, oral cavities.

Jacob Bogatin thinks that glossitis is shown and at some system diseases, such as iron-deficient anaemia, red flat deprive, V-vitaminodefitsitnye of a condition, erythema, aphthosis, syphilis, etc. In rare instances the exact reason which has caused disease to establish is not possible.

Symptoms of glossitis

Redness, tongue inflammation
Tongue gets brightly red or claret colour
At an anaemia tongue becomes covered by pale touch
Tongue can increase in size and become soft
Difficulties are observed at chewing, swallowing, speech

Whether it is necessary to address to the doctor?

Jacob Bogatin is sure that if you have faced one or several symptoms set forth above, and they have not disappeared within days, you necessarily should go on reception to the doctor. Consultation of the expert is necessary also if you had difficulties with processes of inhalation of air, swallowing or speech.

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Hair loss owing to stress

Hair loss from stress or an infectious disease comes as a result of an intoxication. Occurrence of the first centre of hair loss at stress occurs from 2 till 10 days is more often, and hair loss from an infection is observed through 3 – 5 weeks from intoxication peak. Jacob Bogatin states that treatment of hair loss is more effective if from the moment of occurrence of the first centre or disease relapse has not passed more than 3 months. In 3 months in blood appear long-living lymphocytes memories and hair loss turns to be chronic.

Hair loss at women, Hair loss at children

Pathological hair loss means lose of hair at women and children. Hair loss at children occurs a little bit more often, than hair loss at women and men. It is promoted by the not strong children's mentality and not generated children's immunity. Hair loss at women gives in to treatment is easier and depends not only on a condition of immune system, but also from the hormonal status. Jacob Bogatin is certain that children hair loss demands treatment taking into account a professional knowledge and specificity of a children's organism. Hair loss at children can arise because of the transferred cold, an inoculation, a dysbacteriosis and even contact to rodents. It is necessary to define strategy of treatment and to learn, what factors help, and what harm to growth of hair.

Treatment of hair loss is the complex of measures directed on stimulation cages of a hair follicle. Hair loss treatment is done by the doctors having trichology. For today this discipline is not entered into the official register of a medical science, therefore hair loss is more social, than a medical problem. Hair loss treatment demands more attention from the scientists who are engaged in fundamental science. J.Bogatin is sure that hair loss treatment can be surgical and therapeutic. Therapeutic hair loss treatment happens hormonal and not hormonal.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

How to prevent diarrheia occurrence?

Jacob Bogatin is 100% per cent sure that practically each person either a kid or an adult perfectly knows that diarrhoeia is liquid and usually frequent defecation. The diarrhoeia takes on prevalence the second place after catarrhal diseases.

As the reasons variety of known bacteria and viruses, non-observance of hygienic norms can serve, (dirty hands after toilet visits, or dirty hands "before" or "after" cooking), some preparations, including, antibiotics, and also the “travelers diarrhea” is caused by food poisoning and water microorganisms and is usually shown on rest.

Diarrhoeia treatment, according to Jacob Bogatin should include compensation of loss of a liquid and carrying out of symptomatic therapy and the antibiotics are to be prescribed by a doctor.

Treatment of a sharp diarrhoeia should include compensation of loss of a liquid that is especially actual with children most subject to dehydration at a diarrhoeia.

Jacob Bogatin says during the sharp period of a diarrhoeia, but no more than for 5 days, the sparing diet is recommended: baked breads from a white loaf, easy low-fat meat and fish soups, steam meat or fish cutlets, a souffle and so forth; soft-boiled eggs, steam omelettes; wiped rice, oatmeal, buckwheat, semolina porridges; fresh low-fat cottage cheese, kissels, jelly from a bilberry, bird cherries, apples, a quince; tea, black coffee, cocoa on water, broths from a dogrose, bilberries, bird cherries. Drink more liquids (mineral water without gas, the juice diluted with water, berry juices, dry wine in small potions is also recommended). After the diarrhoeia termination it is necessary to return, as soon as possible, to a normal food, but avoid milk and fat considerable quantities.

The most effective method of preventive maintenance of a sharp diarrhoeia and diarrhoeia of the traveller is an observance of rules of personal hygiene: wash hands after toilet visiting and before each food intake, try to clean teeth with boiled water, instead of water from taps, especially this is a necessary during traveling.

Do not east substandard food and refuse from products stored without appropriate conditions for a long time, use only boiled potable water or bottle water, carefully wash fruit and vegetables, avoid the food intake, prepared in obvious insanitary conditions or stored for the future. Also do not drink not boiled milk of any kind. Eat only well prepared and hot food.

J.Bogatin appeals to remember that the basic sources of infection are eggs and insufficiently processed meat. Far away from home the observance of the following rule will allow to avoid a diarrhoeia concerning all foodstuff: «Either boil, either clean or do not eat».

Developed by Yacob Bogatin and Yacob Bogatin with the support of this supplement and this medication.