Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Yakov Bogatin: Cats diseases - Leptospirosis

Leptospirosis is a bacterial infectious disease mainly found with the dogs, widespread enough in our country. An infection source is environment, it is especially good this bacterium remains in the damp environment, in pools, reservoirs with stagnant water. Also dogs can catch it at contacts with rodents. Leptospirosis found with cats is also described, but clinically meets extremely seldom. Yakov Bogatin stresses that this illness proceeds hard, sometimes with a deadly outcome. But as practice shows, the pets sick with leptospirosis, seldom become a source of an infection for a human being. Much more often disease is transferred through contact to the same rodents, through water in the infected reservoirs etc.

Disease is shown by a standard set of symptoms, characteristic for any infection: an anorexia (refusal of a forage), slackness, lack of activity, body rise in temperature, sharp defeat of a gastroenteric path (vomiting, a diarrhoeia, sometimes with a blood impurity). Disease also can be accompanied by morbidity of muscles that is clinically shown by infringement of support ability, unsteadiness of gait etc.

Breeding in blood, the bacterium can affect kidneys and a liver. Therefore as Yakov Bogatin says it is very important to hand over at once, besides special analyses on infections, biochemistry of blood for the control of indicators of these bodies.

The diagnosis proves to be true by serological blood researches: definition of antibodies to various kinds of leptospir. In this sense it is very important vaccinal the anamnesis of a sick animal as at the vaccinated animal any quantity of these antibodies also will be observed. Also it is necessary to consider, that two enter into a standard vaccine only the most widespread kind of leptospir, and actually it is much more of them. That is, can be ill even correctly and in due time vaccinated animal.

Already before reception of positive result on Leptospirosis it is necessary to begin symptomatic treatment: antibiotics of a wide spectrum of action, vitamins, immunomodulators, drop infusions. After statement of the exact diagnosis the special antibiotic, effective against leptospir is added. If leptospirosis is confirmed for the first time 1 – 2 days of development of clinical signs it is possible to apply whey against leptospirosis.

According to Yakov Bogatin the most effective preventive maintenance from leptospirosis is restriction of bathing of dogs in suspicious reservoirs, destruction of rodents, and also vaccination. Against leptospirosis it is desirable to enter a vaccine more often, than once a year, for example, time in 8 – 9 months as already at this time immunity becomes less intense.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Jacob Bogatin: Lyme illness. Treatment. Precautions

According to Jacob Bogatin the disease has propensity to a chronic current with alternation of the periods of an aggravation and attenuation, but sometimes proceeds in the form of continuously proceeding process. Usually symptoms of defeat of joints (arthritis) are thus shown. Against a chronic inflammation the joint gradually changes and loses the function.

Treatment of Lyme illness
At a heavy current of disease treatment is spent in hospital. Antibiotics, and also the medical products influencing inflammatory process in those or other bodies and fabrics and removing an intoxication are appointed.

At a chronic current of disease along with antibiotics the medical products restoring immunity (protective forces of an organism) are prescribed. But Jacob Bogatin admits that if organism response is excessive and dangerous in itself its medicines suppressing are appointed.

The forecast at Lyme illness

The forecast favorable at in due time begun treatment. In an opposite case, especially at a chronic current, invalidation can become a reality.

Disease preventive measures

Going on walk in wood, it is necessary to try not to leave open places on a body, especially standing. If nevertheless you have found out that there is an insect on your body that can’t be thrown away by a tick Jacob Bogatin says that it is necessary to cover it with a napkin plentifully moistened with vegetable oil, on half an hour-hours. After that cautiously tweezers to remove the tick, trying it not to crush, and to grease the wound with iodine.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Jacob Bogatin:Lyme illness`

Many like to spend the summer outside and in the country. But it is far not all know, that not only in country wood, but also in their city park can await a danger in the form of pincers. According to Jacob Bogatin small harmless by sight insects live in a shade of bushes and trees and at a sting deeply get under a skin. This already in itself is unpleasant, as can cause a purulent inflammation.

But the most dreadful thing is that pincers transfer some infectious diseases. One of such diseases is Lyme illness.

What is Lyme illness?

Lyme illness is an infectious disease caused by Borrelias and transferred by pincers. Lyme illness has bent to a chronic current with frequent aggravations. Mainly the skin, nervous system, joints and heart are affected.

Jacob Bogatin claims that it is established, that the natural centres of Lyme illness substantially coincide with the natural centres of tick-borne encephalitis, and are registered almost in all territory of Russia.

If there is an infection

Borrelias live in an organism of some wild animals, such as rodents, deer, birds etc. At a sting of the tick spirochaete from blood of a wild animal get to intestines of the tick, breeds there, and then are allocated with excrements. In salivary glands of the tick Borrelias it is not enough, therefore not any sting of the infected tick can lead to disease of the person. Stings of pincers are registered within spring, summer till late autumn, but Jacob Bogatin suggests that the peak of stings usually is registered in the period from May to June.
Developed by Yacob Bogatin and Yacob Bogatin with the support of this supplement and this medication.