Thursday, November 26, 2009

Bogatin Y. Myths about an epilepsy and an objective reality

One of the most widespread diseases of nervous system is the epilepsy. Apparently this disease state accompanies a human race on all extent of its existence. The first known mention of an epilepsy to us from 500-700 BC In Babylon were stone plates which contained the detailed description of disease, types of the attacks, provoking factors, after-attack symptoms are found out. Antique Greeks saw a supernatural divine phenomenon in an epilepsy and named its sacred illness. In their opinion, only God could throw the person on the earth, deprive of its feelings, causing spasms and to return it back by a life practically healthy. However there was also other point of view according to which during attacks in patients the evil ghost was created; such people were called as afflicted with a devil, expelled from temples. In the Gospel from St. Mark and from St. Onions healing by the Christ of the boy from the devil installed in its body is described. In 450 BC Hippocrat for the first time has declared, that disease has quite natural reasons and originates in the brain.

Bogatin Yakov says that that fact, that many great people (Socrat, Platon, Caesar, Jean D’ Ark, Van Gogh, etc.) suffered from an epilepsy, has served as the precondition for distribution of the theory that sick of an epilepsy the big mind. However subsequently (XVIII century) the epilepsy began to be identified quite often with madness and weak-mindedness. Sick of an epilepsy violently hospitalised in houses for mad separately from other patients. Hospitalisation sick of an epilepsy in houses for mad and their isolation proceeded up to 1850.

Bogatin Yakov admits that there was a point of view, that the epilepsy is necessarily hereditary disease and that «the epileptic gives rise to the epileptic». This point of view has existed very long. So in the USA, up to end of the Second World War, in some states there were the laws forbidding the introduction into marriage sick epilepsy, a birth of children and even calling for their compulsory sterilisation.

Now representation about an epilepsy has essentially changed. On modern data, an epilepsy - group of the different diseases which basic display are repeated spontaneously arising epileptical attacks. Also exist as good-quality, and prognostically adverse forms of an epilepsy. In most cases the intelligence sick of an epilepsy normal, and mental development does not suffer. Bogatin Yakov desclares the fact that the majority of forms of an epilepsy are not hereditary. The risk of a birth of the sick child if one of parents is sick of an epilepsy, makes no more than 8 %. At an epilepsy the child-bearing is not recommended only at accompanying diseases (oligophrenia, mental infringements) or under social indications.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Rabies virus

The rabies virus is stored in saliva and way of transfer of the activator of rabies from an animal to the person is the sting. Even for small wound from a sting it is necessary to watch closely, that healing process passed quickly and there was no infection.

Here there are some signs of occurrence of rabies at a person: growth of a roughness or a swelling round the hit place, extending decolouration or reddening of a skin round a sting. The temperature besides, can raise or be felt warmly in a sting zone, the line of reddening going from a place of a sting is sometimes visible.

Yakob Bogatin is sure that if the animal is infected by rabies at dogs first signs appear in 4-6 weeks. The animal becomes languid, is hammered into a dark corner, reluctantly goes on call, does not eat habitual food or, on the contrary, very uneasily. Owing to a paralysis the jaw at a dog droops, tongue overhangs, from a mouth the saliva flows. Bark hoarse, gait unsteady. In such condition the dog often escapes from the house, without bark and the prevention unexpectedly rushes on people and animals, bites them. In 6-8 days of illness the dog passes away.

The latent period of disease by rabies at a person on the average lasts one month though cases when it is tightened about one year are known. The first notable displays of disease: the general indisposition, pains in the field of a sting, temperature slight increase. But by the end of the first day there can be involuntary gulps at the sight of or sounds of flowing water (therefore rabies at a person name sometimes water fear), and also general spasms.

The convulsive syndrome is the important component of furiousness. In 2-3 days of a spasm arise at the slightest stimulus: a loud sound of a voice, light inclusion, a touch. The general anxiety accrues; sialorrhea appears, there are acoustical and visual hallucinations. The patient cannot swallow a saliva and constantly spits it out. Soon there come attacks of violence with frequent aggression in relation to associates. Then excitation is replaced by a paralysis of muscles of hands and feet, language and the person. In 12–20 hours after a paralysis there comes death.

Participation of the relatives and friends is necessary in rendering to the patient of first aid. The wound should be washed out carefully a soap solution (one piece of toilet soap or 1/3 economic on 2 glasses of water) and burnt iodine tincture. Yakov Bogatin advises to immediately to send the patient to the first-aid post or to call the emergency. Besides, it is necessary to take care of capture of an animal, having informed about it in corresponding services. If at an animal the furiousness virus a series of injections will prevent disease of the person is defined. The earlier to begin vaccination from furiousness, the better. A measure of the prevention of development of disease are inoculations of antirabic vaccine. Immunity will appear after 2–2,5 weeks.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Diabetes and pregnancy

Diabetes is an extended endocrine disease caused by a quantitative lack of insulin or absence of its effect at level of bodies and tissues of an organism. According to modern data and according to Jacob Bogatin the diabetes can be found at 4 % of pregnant women. The diabetes and infringements of a metabolism accompanying it are capable to complicate substantially a pregnancy current therefore before planning a pregnancy a woman suffering from diabetes should meet special approach. In this article the idea is about the reason of occurrence of a diabetes during pregnancy, about kinds of a diabetes at pregnant women, and also about main principles of pregnancy planning.

What reasons of occurrence of a diabetes during pregnancy?

Diabetes during pregnancy we call an infringement of a carbohydrate exchange, as consequence of an absolute or relative lack of the insulin, observed during pregnancy. The diabetes can arise during pregnancy (gestational diabetes), and can be present and prior to the beginning of pregnancy (pre-gestational diabetes). From all cases of a diabetes pregnant more than 80 % are necessary on gestational diabetes, that is the disease which has arisen against pregnancy. This fact brings up a question on the reasons of occurrence of a diabetes at pregnant women. It is obvious, that such sharp increase of a diabetes disease at pregnant women is somehow connected with development of the pregnancy.

The organism of the pregnant woman is exposed to considerable reorganisations: the volume of circulating blood increases, physiological position of some internal bodies changes, undergo changes all kinds of a metabolism and the hormonal status of an organism. All these changes are directed on maintenance of developing pregnancy and preparation of an organism of future mother for sorts and feeding of the child.

Unfortunately, in some cases the organism of a woman has no time to adapt to accruing changes that lead to development of those or other pathologies: a toxicosis, an arterial hypertension of pregnant women, a diabetes of pregnant women.

At the heart of the mechanism of development of a diabetes of pregnant women Jacob Bogatin finds out difficult process of change of sensitivity of fabrics and bodies of the pregnant woman in relation to glucose and insulin.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Sharp purulent average otitis

The inflammation of an average ear (sharp average otitis) is one of the most frequent diseases at children's age. According to the statistics, practically each child in this or that form has been ill with an otitis. Such prevalence is connected with variety of anatomic and physiological features of a children's organism. In most cases the otitis arises as complication of sharp respiratory disease and proceeds in two forms: catarrhal and purulent. The most frequent reason of development of an average otitis – a usual cold. Weak immunity of the child, propensity to allergic reactions, presence of adenoids in a nasopharynx, inability to blow one's nose, etc. lead to that the infected slime from a cavity of a nose and a nasopharynx through an acoustical pipe gets into an average ear.

Yakov Bogatin thinks that the popular belief in that an infection gets into an ear outside, through acoustical pass is absolutely wrong. Also such safety measures as constant carrying of a cap or, for example, plugging ears with cotton wool are senseless. «To catch an otitis» also is impossible. Preventive maintenance of otitises is the prevention and competent treatment of usual catarrhal diseases especially accompanied by a strong cold.

Disease begins, as a rule, sharply, often at night after a child has been put to bed. The basic symptom is the pain in an ear which can be very strong. The temperature usually simultaneously raises, the general state of health worsens. The child lasts a hand to a sick ear, refuses a dummy. The dream, appetite are broken, quite often diarrhea appears.

The further development of disease leads to that in a cavity of an average ear pus which breaks through an eardrum is formed and starts to flow from acoustical pass. Catarrhal otitis form is replaced by the purulent. Sometimes, especially at children of chest age, it occurs very quickly. With occurrence of suppuration the pain in an ear, as a rule, decreases or stops absolutely, the temperature decreases, the state of health of the child improves.

Yakov Bogatin states that unfortunately, such favorable enough succession of events happen not always. Sometimes pus does not break through an eardrum, and the meningitis starts to extend in the next departments of a temporal bone that leads to such terrible complications as, for example, the meningitis.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

"A" Flu: Introduction

What is a pork flu?

As well as people, pigs are subject to a flu, however the virus of a pork flu differs from human viruses of a flu. According to Jacob Bogatin the pork flu strikes people seldom enough. In the past there have been registered just a few cases of defeat of people which had direct contact with pigs. However current flash of a pork flu has other specificity. It is provoked by a new kind of a virus of a pork flu which extends from person to person, and strikes people who never had contact with pigs.

What are pork flu symptoms?

Jacob Bogatin thinks that symptoms of pork flu are similar to symptoms of a usual flu and include risen body temperature, cough, sore throat, pains and aches in a whole body, a fever and weakness. Some people complain of a diarrhoeia and a nausea. For sure, as Jacob Bogatin states these symptoms can be caused by many other factors and therefore you and your doctor cannot define whether you are infected by a pork flu just proceeding from the symptoms. It is necessary to spend a number of laboratory tests to establish the exact diagnosis.

What should I undertake in case of revealing of signs of a pork flu?

In the presence of symptoms of a flu it is necessary for you to remain at home. In case of cough and sneezing it is necessary to close your mouth and nose with a fabric bandage. Subsequently throw out a bandage and wash up hands. It will help to prevent infection distribution.

If you were recently in a high risk zone, such as Mexico, and have flu symptoms, experts of the Center in the control and preventive maintenance of diseases recommend to address directly to the doctor.

Remember that your doctor cannot define, whether you are sick of a pork flu, therefore your analyses will be sent on check in laboratory of management of public health services of staff. If pork flu is suspected you definitely need to intake Tamiflu or Relensa pills. Though if you live in the USA these preparations may not be necessary as the sick with pork flu have successfully recovered without even use of these pills.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Treatment of German measles

Only people is the infection source. Infection can also occur at pregnant women.

Immunity the lifelong proof.

It is well-known and Jacob Bogatin supports this that German measles on 3-4th week of pregnancy causes congenital uglinesses in 60 % of cases, on 9-12th week — in 15 % and on 13-16th week — in 7 % of cases.

The incubatory period lasts from 11 till 24 days (more often 16-20). The general condition of patients suffers a little from German measles, therefore is frequent the first symptom attracting attention, the rash is. Patients mark small weakness, an indisposition, a moderate headache, sometimes pains in muscles and joints. The body temperature remains low though sometimes reaches 38-39°ะก is more often and 1—3 days keep. The increase and morbidity of the lymph nodes are expressed. Often the rash appears already in the first day of illness (40 %), but can appear on the second (35 %), the third (15 %) and even for the fourth day (at 10 % of patients). More often a rash in the beginning notice on the person, and then within days it appears on a trunk and on finitenesses. Jacob Bogatin says that the rash is more plentiful on surfaces of finitenesses, on a back, a waist, buttocks. On the person the rash is less expressed, than on a trunk. Sometimes in the field of rash elements the easy itch, but, as a rule, is marked no sensations in the field of rash elements happen. Rash elements keep more often 2—3 days.

German measles can cause the complication - arthritises. At adult patients they are observed more often, than at children (30 % at men, 5—6 % at women). The swelling and morbidity of joints appear in 1—2 days after disappearance of a rash and 5—10 days keep.

Treatment is usually in house conditions. When there is rash at the child bed regime is necessary. It is necessary to provide to the child a high-grade food, plenty of water.

Special treatment is not spent, sometimes apply symptomatic means. At occurrence of complications urgent hospitalisation is necessary.

The forecast is favorable. Repeated German measles infection is impossible.

Jacob Bogatin says that for prevention of distribution of an infection of children isolate from not had been ill within 5 days since the moment of rash. It is especially important to prevent contact of the sick child to pregnant women as German measles infection at pregnant woman can lead to the development anomalies of the baby.

German measles vaccination is included into a calendar of inoculations. J.Bogatin states that A vaccine enter hypodermically or intramuscularly in 12-15 months and repeatedly in 6 years. Specific immunity develops in 15-20 days almost at 100 % imparted and remains more than 20 years.
Developed by Yacob Bogatin and Yacob Bogatin with the support of this supplement and this medication.