Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Jacob Bogatin: Bechterew's disease
Jacob Bogatin tells us that in addition to the typical rate pain on a possible diagnosis indicates a pronounced morning stiffness, lower back, also disappear at lunchtime, and the young age of the patient - osteochondrosis generally ill elderly people, and ankylosing spondylitis usually starts at 20 - 30 years.
In addition to approximately half of the patients at the very onset of the disease can be detected and eye inflammation (redness and their sense of "sand in the eyes), fever and weight loss.
Still, the main sign of the disease is increasing spine stiffness and limited mobility of the chest during breathing movements. According to Jacob Bogatin a sick person is moving, as if instead of the spine had inserted a stick - rotate and tilt the patient has the whole body.
In the initial stage of the disease disappears the normal lumbar curvature of the spine, lower back becomes flat and straight. At a later stage, "freezes" strongly hunched over, thoracic spine – Jacob Bogatin calls such a condition as a "beggar attitude". Patient's legs when walking always remain slightly bent at the knees.
Such patients in the advanced stage of disease it is difficult to confuse with osteochondrosis patients - especially if the defeat of the spine combined with inflammation of the joints and the diagnosis at this stage, most physicians set without difficulty. Unfortunately, and to treat such a disease is already running virtually useless - too many changes taking place at this time in the body. Jacob Bogatin confirms that the treatment of Bechterew's disease should begin much earlier, has not happened yet, "ossification" of the spine and inflamed joints. And this requires, of course, as soon as possible to make the correct diagnosis.
Jacob Bogatin: Kidneys Diseases
Among kidney disease there are often pyelonephritis, hydronephrosis, urolithiasis, nephroptosis, renal failure, benign and malignant tumors of the kidneys. For renal blood flow often caused by congenital factors. Violation of the show symptoms: pain, hematuria, arterial hypertension. Jacob Bogatin is sure that the precise diagnosis be confirmed after examination the kidneys. Pyelonephritis - an inflammatory process with involvement pyelocaliceal of renal tubules of kidneys followed by glomerular and vascular lesions of the kidneys. Pyelonephritis and treated as an independent disease, and as a complication after various diseases (acute renal failure, urolithiasis, hyperplasia and prostate cancer, gynecological disorders). The survey includes: general urinalysis, complete blood count, ultrasound examination of the kidneys, blood chemistry, urinalysis for Nechiporenko.
Hydronephrosis - a full or partial extension pelvis and calices with urine because of the obstacles to its evacuation. Hydronephrosis can be congenital or acquired. Acquired causes of hydronephrosis: the stones in the kidney, ureter disease, tumor, kink the ureter.
Frequent causative agent of urinary tract infections is E. coli, less common staphylococci and enterococci. Jacob Bogatin confirms that in healthy people, all the bacteria adhering to the urinary tract are removed in a natural way - with a current of urine. That's why every difficulty outflow of urine due to structural abnormalities, stones, or prostate enlargement, creates conditions for the development and progression of renal infection. Purification can be made from the flax seed extract. Method of preparation of the present: one teaspoon of flaxseed pour a glass of boiling water, simmer on low heat for 2-3 minutes, to insist 1-2 hours, strain and drink 1 / 2 cup every two hours over two days with kidney disease.
Oksaluriya - urinary excretion of oxalic acid salts - oxalates. Oksaluriya symptoms of metabolic disorders and changes in the urine (as an admixture of salts (oxalates), red blood cells, protein, leukocytes). The risk of transfer of urinary tract infection is much higher:
- People in violation of the outflow of urine,
- In patients with diabetes,
- Those who have immune system is weakened and unable to fight infection
- Persons who abuse analgesics (analgesic nephropathy may occur).
Jacob Bogatin also warns that lead poisoning can be complicated by chronic damage of renal tubules and interstitial tissue and cause of lead nephropathy. In the treatment of lithium need to periodically examine renal function. Immunosuppressant cyclosporine causes acute and chronic kidney disease.
If you notice any symptoms of kidney disease should seek assistance from the urologist to establish the causes of their appearance and fdalneyshey diagnosis and treatment.
Saturday, September 4, 2010
Jacob Bogatin: Milktea diet
Due to the increased absorption in combination with milk, tea is especially useful. It is a powerful antioxidant that reduces the likelihood of developing cancer in the body. Tea strengthens the immune system and speeds up the metabolism.
Jacob Bogatin says that milktea diet is well tolerated by people suffering from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, as in combination with tea, milk is better digested. In addition, the milk reduces the negative effects of caffeine and tea alkaloids. Tannin contained in tea reduces the permeability of the gastric mucosa that blocks the fermenting milk.
Milktea diet is useful in diseases of the kidneys, heart, nervous system. A mixture of tea and whole milk also has a diuretic and cholagogic effect.
Jacob Bogatin says that during milktea all liquid diet drink to 18 hours. Showed recreation and enough sleep are necessary.
Milktea diet has no contraindications and because safety is relevant in any age.
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Jacob Bogatin: White Tea
Jacob Bogatin shares with us a tradition of brewing of white tea. It has to be flooded with a soft, slack water (50-80 degrees). Hot water will kill all the smells and useful substances. Brewing lasts no more than five minutes. Brew tea should be ceramic, porcelain or glass teapot. For one cup you will need five to ten grams of white tea.
Jacob Bogatin recommends to keep white tea should be in a dry place in tightly closed metal utensils. Do not store next to the tea-scented products, as it rapidly absorbs smells.
White tea is called the elixir of immortality. White tea is the most useful of all teas, it contains the most vitamins and nutrients that are in the processing of other types of tea leaves. White tea is rich in vitamins – Jacob Bogatin is sure about that, it has antiviral properties, protects against bacteria, strengthens the cardiovascular system. In white tea contains substances that slow down the aging process and prevents cancer.
Saturday, August 21, 2010
Treatment of Crohn's disease
Treatment of Crohn's disease builds on the disease activity and localization of the lesion, so painted numerous treatment regimens.
At a low disease activity and to maintain remission enough destination sulphasalazyne and 5-ASA drugs.
With the active course of the disease (exacerbations), should be the appointment of glucocorticoids. Appointment of drugs, selection of initial dosage and its permanent correction is a doctor. Unfortunately (and Yakov Bogatin also confirms this), long-term use (more than 6-8 weeks) of glucocorticoids develop numerous side effects, in addition, 36% of patients develop dependence on glucocorticoids.
When failure of such treatment (or during the development of dependence or intolerance) prescribers 2 nd series. Reported on the use of immunosuppressants in Crohn's disease. The main side effects Immunosuppressive therapy are pancreatitis, inhibition of bone marrow hemopoiesis, drug-induced hepatitis, increased risk of malignant lymphomas and other tumors.
In the course of treatment careful monitoring of indicators of the blood cells and liver markers is required.
Yakov Bogatin says that antibiotics play an important role in the treatment of septic complications of Crohn's disease, including abscesses and perianal lesions. They can also reduce diarrhea in patients with syndrome of excessive bacterial growth in lesions of the small intestine.
Monday, August 16, 2010
Jacob Bogatin: What to do if you are allergic to the sun
1. Use of UV-protective creams, suntan lotion, causing them to the body for 20 minutes before going in the sun and after sun lotion and shower, apply moisturizer designed to hydrate and protect skin after exposure to sunlight on it.
2. Coming out of the water of the sea or river, blot the water, but do not wipe, because you are washing a towel blanket of cream, and it will have to apply again.
3. Jacob Bogatin suggests to use cosmetics as much as possible, gels, creams, toilet water, perfume, fragrance containing, as the sunlight they provoke the emergence of pigmented spots of various colors, which are only two - three weeks.
4. If you are the owner of a very sensitive skin, sunbathe in the shade under the tent, avoid direct sunlight. Let your tan will not bronze, but only gold, but you avoid the discomfort of burnt skin, flaking and redness, fever and so on.
5. To eliminate solar allergy is usually mild easily solve the problem of ointments containing betamethasone, prednisolone, dexamethasone. Jacob Bogatin warns not to remove the redness, burning, itching, folk remedies, such as sour cream, vegetable oil, it does not help. Use special after-sun gels, they all contain anti-inflammatory substances, extracts from medicinal plants, soothing and cooling the skin supplements.
6. Drink at least two liters of carbonated water per day, this will help you out of the body of toxic substances and many more.
But if you are traveling and the problem must be resolved quickly and locally, and rash spoil your entire holiday, it will be useful, and other tips.
Saturday, August 7, 2010
Jacob Bogatin:About air conditioners and legionnaires disease
To be precise, the decoded genome of only one of Legionella - Legionella pneumophila, which brought and still brings a lot of trouble and the doctors and ordinary people, but the significance of this event has not diminished. This bacterium causes severe pneumonia in humans (still known as Legionnaires disease, legionellosis).
Legionella are widely distributed throughout the world, is part of the natural flora of many reservoirs, both natural and artificial.
According to Jacob Bogatin the detection of nasty parasite in air conditioning systems, has caused a shock as the inhabitants of the numerous offices, and the manufacturers of air conditioners. And so the message that the legionella found in ordinary warm tap water and bathrooms with Jacuzzi in the salons SPA, caused a lot speculations and much ado.
What does the Legion mean?
The first association with the word "legionnaire" - Ancient Rome, the legions of Julius Caesar. Second - France, Foreign Legion. Neither the first nor the second with Legionnaires disease has nothing to do.
Name associated with the American Legion ( The American Legion ), an organization founded in 1919 and unites Americans - members of various wars. It is the Congress of this public organization in 1976, held in Philadelphia, and the outbreak of strange infections. Within a month the disease claimed the lives of 34 out of 220 cases of delegates and was immediately given the name "Legionnaires disease".
How do you get infected?
As Jacob Bogatin writes for a person to become infected, it needs to breathe in the agent located in a water spray: shower, the flow of air from the air conditioner, variegated fountains and fountains.
Despite the fact that Legionella can be found in the sputum of cases, cases of transmission from person to person is not registered. But when you consider that virtually every modern office is equipped with air-conditioning system, the magnitude of the threat began to look very impressive.
Jacob Bogatin is sure that the incubation period of legionellosis on average 5-7 days. Described a number of clinical forms of infections: a proper disease legionnaire, pontiakskaya fever, "Fort Bragg". There could be other forms of the disease.
Monday, July 19, 2010
Yakov Bogatin: How to treat insect bites
1. 1. Mosquitoes
The best way to be protected against tiny blood-suckers - is closed carry clothing and use repellents - creams, gels or ointments. Also effective are fumigators. These substances are gradually evaporate under the influence of temperature and thus repel insects.
If you experienced a mosquito bite, the site of the bite should be wiped with ammonia (ammonia), vodka, cologne or a solution of baking soda. Effectively relieves itching and redness at the sting site application of modern pharmaceutical facilities - balsam "rescuer" or "keeper" ointment "Fenistil.
The latter removes the manifestation of allergic phenomena. In the case of multiple bites, especially if there is a predisposition to allergic reaction, you need to take antihistamines.
2. 2. Tongs
While hiking in the woods do not forget about the meeting with the ticks. Their bite is absolutely painless, and to detect mites can cling only on closer inspection. According to scientists, ticks have a certain selectivity bites between the sexes. Thus, women, the bloodsuckers prefer to bite in the knees and the groin area, and men - in the underarms and back.
If you find mites do not under any circumstances attempt to immediately pull out. It is best for this procedure to see a doctor, because when you remove the insect is very important to avoid damage.
If you are unable to use medical care, then, first of all, it should be abundantly lubricated with oil or Vaseline insect. This blocks access of oxygen to the tick, as he breathes with the back of the body.
According to Yakov Bogatin the insect then tries to climb out on his own. If you are deleting an insect you have it crushed, or part of it remained under the skin, should be mandatory to apply to an infectious diseases doctor.
The main danger of ticks in that they are carriers of diseases such as tick-borne encephalitis and Lyme disease. Therefore, before going into the woods do not forget about good gear: Wear clothing with sleeves, pants tuck in closed shoes, and the unprotected parts of the body, apply insect repellent.
3. 3. Wasps, bees and other troubles
Yakov Bogatin also warns that in summer there is a high probability of being bitten and other insects: wasps, bees, hornets or bumblebees. Typically, these insects do not attack first, but they can be angry if an active wave your hands, or drive them away newspaper.
Wasps sting more and more painfully, the bees also stung less and then die. A great danger they pose to the bite allergies. If you have a tendency to allergies, and if an insect stung the child, be sure to take antiallergic drugs: tavegil, suprastin, klaritin or other
At the site of the bite bee sting remains, which must be removed. This should be done as conservatively as possible, because the sting of bees has the form "needles" with barbed. Using tweezers, remove the sting, disinfect the wound with iodine or alcohol solution, apply ice or something cold - it will help reduce pain and swelling.
If you experience symptoms such as breathlessness, convulsions, high fever, loss of consciousness, nausea, vomiting, need to urgently seek medical advice because we are talking about severe allergic reaction. To prevent swelling of the throat and respiratory tract requires an emergency medical care.
If you go on vacation, it is worth pre-arrange the acquisition of the necessary components of a summer first-aid kit: disinfectants, antihistamines, etc. Do not forget about the simple rules of safety, regularly use insect repellent and the probability of getting insect bites or development of complications after him would be minimized.
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Yakov Bogatin: Cats diseases - Leptospirosis
Disease is shown by a standard set of symptoms, characteristic for any infection: an anorexia (refusal of a forage), slackness, lack of activity, body rise in temperature, sharp defeat of a gastroenteric path (vomiting, a diarrhoeia, sometimes with a blood impurity). Disease also can be accompanied by morbidity of muscles that is clinically shown by infringement of support ability, unsteadiness of gait etc.
Breeding in blood, the bacterium can affect kidneys and a liver. Therefore as Yakov Bogatin says it is very important to hand over at once, besides special analyses on infections, biochemistry of blood for the control of indicators of these bodies.
The diagnosis proves to be true by serological blood researches: definition of antibodies to various kinds of leptospir. In this sense it is very important vaccinal the anamnesis of a sick animal as at the vaccinated animal any quantity of these antibodies also will be observed. Also it is necessary to consider, that two enter into a standard vaccine only the most widespread kind of leptospir, and actually it is much more of them. That is, can be ill even correctly and in due time vaccinated animal.
Already before reception of positive result on Leptospirosis it is necessary to begin symptomatic treatment: antibiotics of a wide spectrum of action, vitamins, immunomodulators, drop infusions. After statement of the exact diagnosis the special antibiotic, effective against leptospir is added. If leptospirosis is confirmed for the first time 1 – 2 days of development of clinical signs it is possible to apply whey against leptospirosis.
According to Yakov Bogatin the most effective preventive maintenance from leptospirosis is restriction of bathing of dogs in suspicious reservoirs, destruction of rodents, and also vaccination. Against leptospirosis it is desirable to enter a vaccine more often, than once a year, for example, time in 8 – 9 months as already at this time immunity becomes less intense.
Sunday, June 13, 2010
Jacob Bogatin: Lyme illness. Treatment. Precautions
Treatment of Lyme illness
At a heavy current of disease treatment is spent in hospital. Antibiotics, and also the medical products influencing inflammatory process in those or other bodies and fabrics and removing an intoxication are appointed.
At a chronic current of disease along with antibiotics the medical products restoring immunity (protective forces of an organism) are prescribed. But Jacob Bogatin admits that if organism response is excessive and dangerous in itself its medicines suppressing are appointed.
The forecast at Lyme illness
The forecast favorable at in due time begun treatment. In an opposite case, especially at a chronic current, invalidation can become a reality.
Disease preventive measures
Going on walk in wood, it is necessary to try not to leave open places on a body, especially standing. If nevertheless you have found out that there is an insect on your body that can’t be thrown away by a tick Jacob Bogatin says that it is necessary to cover it with a napkin plentifully moistened with vegetable oil, on half an hour-hours. After that cautiously tweezers to remove the tick, trying it not to crush, and to grease the wound with iodine.
Sunday, June 6, 2010
Jacob Bogatin:Lyme illness`

Many like to spend the summer outside and in the country. But it is far not all know, that not only in country wood, but also in their city park can await a danger in the form of pincers. According to Jacob Bogatin small harmless by sight insects live in a shade of bushes and trees and at a sting deeply get under a skin. This already in itself is unpleasant, as can cause a purulent inflammation.
But the most dreadful thing is that pincers transfer some infectious diseases. One of such diseases is Lyme illness.
What is Lyme illness?
Lyme illness is an infectious disease caused by Borrelias and transferred by pincers. Lyme illness has bent to a chronic current with frequent aggravations. Mainly the skin, nervous system, joints and heart are affected.
Jacob Bogatin claims that it is established, that the natural centres of Lyme illness substantially coincide with the natural centres of tick-borne encephalitis, and are registered almost in all territory of Russia.
If there is an infection
Borrelias live in an organism of some wild animals, such as rodents, deer, birds etc. At a sting of the tick spirochaete from blood of a wild animal get to intestines of the tick, breeds there, and then are allocated with excrements. In salivary glands of the tick Borrelias it is not enough, therefore not any sting of the infected tick can lead to disease of the person. Stings of pincers are registered within spring, summer till late autumn, but Jacob Bogatin suggests that the peak of stings usually is registered in the period from May to June.
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Jacob Bogatin: About Parkinson Disease
Jacob Bogatin continues writing about one of the most complex diseases of our century- Parkinson disease. Involving speech-motor muscles leads to speech infringement - it can become a little modulated, illegible. People close to the patient often become angry, because they think, that the patient carelessly pronounces phrases. This awkward situation can be overcome, if close people understand, that the patient cannot speak differently.
Infringement of movements changes also handwriting. If the patient does not try to write well quite often happens difficultly to read the written.
Jacob Bogatin stresses that except the listed infringements of movement there are also so-called vegetative frustration: change of appetite, salivation, activity of intestines (locks). At Parkinson illness at patients often there comes a depression of spirit (depression). It is connected with two reasons: first, the patient happens is afflicted by that cannot operate as is high-grade, as before during his/her work; secondly, in the nature of the illness damage and those departments of a brain which provide to the person the counterbalanced mood lays.
Depression displays are various, but include a number of characteristic symptoms: bad mood, unusually fast fatigue, attention and concentration decrease, alarm and irritability, indifference to surrounding, appetite decrease.
All it changes benevolent mutual relations with colleagues at patients who continue to work. Certainly, that former to consult with the duties on work, it is necessary to consult, first, with the doctor and correctly to carry out recommendations about treatment. Jacob Bogatin claims that it is not less important to be opened and benevolent in relations with employees. It will help you to overcome possible difficulties at performance of official duties.
As to mutual relations of the patient in a family life or with persons who to it help to overcome difficulty of chronic disease here again always can be found necessary mutual understanding and to adjust benevolent relations.
It is enough to patient to recollect, that people who help him/her, as a rule work somewhere, and spend additional efforts to help the patient. That you understand difficulties of these people, that you are grateful to them for the help, it is necessary to speak openly and not once.
On the other hand, to persons who help the patient, it is necessary to understand, that its requests are not a whim - simply some things to the person difficultly to make most, and he addresses for the help to associates. If you helping the patient, about him/her remind yourselves, your mutual relations will be counterbalanced with the patient.
Jacob Bogatin admits that it is not a rare case when patients are dissatisfied also with themselves and surrounding people. If both the patient, and people surrounding him know about such psychological features of illness one only it will help to remove psychological stress in relations and to adjust benevolent relations.
Monday, May 17, 2010
J.Bogatin: Pulpitis symptoms and further treatment
Pulpitis treatment - nerve removal
Treatment of pulpitis demands preliminary anaesthesia. Usual anaesthetics well help only at the first stage of disease. Unfortunately, many patients address to the doctor very much late when anaesthetising tablets already cease to have due an effect, and process is definitively started and has passed from a sharp stage in the chronic. Jacob Bogatin states that serous pulpitises is curable at an appropriate method of treatment (medical linings containing calcium under seals, antibiotic bandages and other). Probably also partial removal of a pulp - nerve removal.
For removal of the inflamed pulp use procedure of devitation in which it is frequent arsenic or other substances are used causing necrotizing and mummification of all elements of a pulp, including the nervous terminations. Jacob Bogatin reminds that at application of arsenic the pain can already disappear in some hours, and procedure of removal of a nerve and painless processing of a cavity can be spent in 1-2 days. After removal of a pulp from a cavity of a tooth and tooth channels, spend filling of roots with special filling material.